We were asked by the Caldey Island Estate some time ago if we could help them achieve a long held ambition for free living red squirrels on the island. It’s been a long haul and the first job was to eradicate the rats. Quotes were gathered and funding sought and 18 months ago West Wales Pest Control started the arduous job of ridding Caldey of the rat population.
Simon and his team have done an incredible job and there is now not a single rat left on the 538 acre island. An achievement that ranks with the clearance of rats from other islands such as Lundy. Already we are starting to see puffins and other ground nesting sea birds returning. Rat monitoring will continue to take place in case they manage to hop onto a boat and cross to the island.

A carload of squirrels!
A call from the wonderful David Mills of the British Wildlife Centre last week told us the squirrels were ready and there was a mad dash to collect them from Surrey and get them back to Tenby in time for the tide on Saturday morning.
The squirrels have now settled in well and are seen regularly in the trees and on the feeders Ben has put out for them.