Spring Update
By The Bevis Trust
In Animal Welfare, Conservation, Countryside, Farming and Wildlife |
May 8, 2018
It has been manic on the farm for weeks. The tree planting was completed in time, with 18,000 mixed hardwoods gone in. We cut a new track across this north bank and while it is raw is a good time to get new plants established. So we have transplanted bluebells, primroses and snowdrops from other…
By The Bevis Trust
In Beavers, Conservation, Uncategorized |
April 4, 2018
We have changed the clocks and now the evenings are much lighter. This means that we can again see beavers in the evenings. It’s still a little early yet but in the next week or so visitors should be able to get a good hour or more of sightings. The hide is ready to go…
White Storks
By The Bevis Trust
In Animal Welfare, Conservation |
March 27, 2018
Although the white stork is doing pretty well in Europe (but it’s part of a very small group doing well, many more are in dire straights) it has been absent from Britain since 1416. Moves are now afoot to get the white stork breeding in Britain again and we have been lucky enough to be…
Scottish Beaver Consultation
By The Bevis Trust
In Beavers, Conservation, Uncategorized |
February 14, 2018
The Scottish Government are consulting on beavers in Scotland: https://consult.gov.scot/forestry/beavers-in-scotland/ Have your say.
Tree Planting
By The Bevis Trust
In Conservation, Countryside |
February 6, 2018
We are currently plating about 16 acres of deciduous woodland as part of the carbon woodland creation scheme. We were very keen for the woodland to be planted in a random pattern rather than in lines or waves. Random planting makes it much harder for the planters to achieve the correct stocking rate but the…
By The Bevis Trust
In Conservation, Countryside, Farming and Wildlife, Native Species, Rewilding, Uncategorized |
September 15, 2017
We were asked by the Caldey Island Estate some time ago if we could help them achieve a long held ambition for free living red squirrels on the island. It’s been a long haul and the first job was to eradicate the rats. Quotes were gathered and funding sought and 18 months ago West Wales Pest…