Category: Farming and Wildlife

  • Bluebells

    By The Bevis Trust In , | July 15, 2016

    Call me a sentimental old fool if you like, but I do think that no woodland is complete without some bluebells! When we plant new woods we need to think of all the herbs and shrubs as well as the trees and it is always a delight in spring to see the bluebells. Sometimes I…
  • A Busy Evening

    By The Bevis Trust In , | July 13, 2016

    A very busy evening on the lake last night. The goslings, now all pretty much fully feathered, were practicing their flying skills to a huge cacophony from their parents. The nest in the new hide has yielded its first chicks – at least three hungry wee swallows. The little yellow diamond shaped open beaks were…
  • Grey Squirrels

    By The Bevis Trust In , , | July 12, 2016

    If anyone doubts the damage that grey squirrels can do in a young woodland here is an oak I came across. They have effectively killed this poor thing and many others in the wood. Oak, ash and beech have all been targets. Drew
  • Fledgelings

    By The Bevis Trust In , | July 11, 2016

    This is a time of year full of hope, tinged with sadness. All the young animals are leaving their nests and burrows, but they are so vulnerable, and many don’t make it. Evolution has planned ahead and compensated by creating bigger broods, but even so the attrition rate can be horrendous. There have been lots…
  • Another Beaver Film

    By The Bevis Trust In , | July 6, 2016

    Here’s a little film Nick shot of a beaver grooming. It’s a treat to watch how much effort she goes to to keep her fur in prime condition. Interesting fact of the day: beavers have a split claw which is a special adaptation for grooming.
  • First Pictures!

    By The Bevis Trust In , | June 30, 2016

    The beaver kits are emerging. Nick managed to film some of their activity last night…
  • Another Beaver Family.

    By The Bevis Trust In , | June 27, 2016

    We’ve been trying to find out what is happening with the beavers on the middle pond. Drew has put up a couple of camera traps and I have been seeing them use a burrow up at the deep end of the pond. The problem is that their pond backs up into a narrow heavily wooded…
  • Beavers

    By The Bevis Trust In , | June 24, 2016

    We are pretty confident that the top and lake beavers now have kits but we are not sure about the middle beavers. Last night I spent a little time observing the pen and didn’t spot any kits but I did manage to get close to this chap. I sneaked up to the fence and he…
  • The New Hide

    By The Bevis Trust In , | June 20, 2016

    Just realised we haven’t shown you a picture of the new hide! Well, here it is in all it’s glory. You have to see it ‘in person’ to really appreciate Nick’s work with the door and handle….it’s gorgeous!  
  • First Beaver Kits Emerge!

    By The Bevis Trust In , , | June 19, 2016

    Last night was a busy time at the top beaver pond. First I couldn’t get into the hide because a kingfisher had taken it over as a hunting perch. After a while he moved further up the pond and I managed to sneak in. I watched him all around me for about half an hour.…