New Ponds and Frogs
By The Bevis Trust
In Countryside, Farming and Wildlife, Rewilding, Uncategorized |
March 13, 2017
Really gratifying to see new tadpoles hatching in one of the ponds we have recently made. Toads are doing well here too but it’s saddening to see how many are being killed on the road every night. The herons too are taking their toll. They kill them but then find them unpalatable so it’s a…
And So It Begins…
By The Bevis Trust
In Uncategorized |
March 13, 2017
Another healthy crop of Himalayan balsam is germinating. At this time of year you can really see the effects of its powerful seed projection mechanism. The old stalks are still clearly visible and the newly germinated seedlings can be spotted up to 4 metres away. Its rate of spread is quite terrifying. Drew
Frogs and Beavers
By The Bevis Trust
In Uncategorized |
February 21, 2017
What a remarkable evening! I went down to count the beavers in the Skinny Dipping pond enclosure last night to find them all there and very busy but I also found that the water was alive with frogs. Once the noise from the quad had drifted away the frog chorus started in earnest and their…
By The Bevis Trust
In Uncategorized |
February 17, 2017
I know it’s an every day sort of thing but I have to admit that this morning I was transported for a few minutes! I went down to the far end on the far to check on the tack sheep – they seem to get stuck in brambles for a pastime, when I stopped the…
Visits and Events
By The Bevis Trust
In Countryside, Farming and Wildlife, Uncategorized |
February 16, 2017
Yesterday we hosted a group of interested folks from both NRW and Carmarthen Council. Organised by Craig at JCR Planning, it was a great opportunity to talk to people about the work we are doing at Ricketts Mill and the broader beaver project. Over the past couple of weeks we have also attended the PONT…
The Good Guys
By The Bevis Trust
In Countryside, Farming and Wildlife, Uncategorized |
February 1, 2017
Western Power Distribution – what can I say? Their amazing guys have been working to get the old power lines down today in appalling conditions. A real heroic effort. And what a difference it’s made. Already the view is much improved but much more importantly, wildfowl and other birds visiting the lakes are now much…
Natural Resources Policy
By The Bevis Trust
In Countryside, Farming and Wildlife, Uncategorized |
January 23, 2017
Last week Jo and I attended the Natural Resources Policy Consultation Engagement Event in Cardiff. The title is certainly a mouthful and it was with some trepidation that we traveled to the capital, fearing perhaps some jargon laden attempt at schmoozing the environmental ‘stakeholders’. We could not have been more wrong, yes, of course there was a…
Progress Down at t’Mill
By The Bevis Trust
In Countryside, Farming and Wildlife, Uncategorized |
January 18, 2017
We have been making great progress down at Ricketts Mill. Steve has been pulling back the banks of the former trout lake to create shallow areas and we have been planting some of these with reeds. Reed planting is on hold for a while because of avian flu. We are planting up the exposed earth…
Establishing Wetlands
By The Bevis Trust
In Countryside, Farming and Wildlife, Uncategorized |
December 16, 2016
We have been very busy down at Ricketts Mill. The plan is to turn the old trout farm into a focal point for the Trust’s activities where students and land managers can come to get first-hand experience of management techniques. The existing lake was built for trout fishing and drops sheer at the banks to…
A Plea for Tree Seeds
By The Bevis Trust
In Uncategorized |
December 13, 2016
Did you keep any acorns? Scots Pine cones? Hazel nuts? Any other native tree seeds? Would you like them to go to a good home? The Bevis Trust would love you to send us your tree seeds so that we can plant them in our tree nursery and use the (hopefully) resultant saplings to plant…