Category: Uncategorized

  • Litter

    By The Bevis Trust In | May 16, 2016

    5 minutes on the road side, probably in a distance of less than 100m yielded half a feed bag full of cans, bottles and food wrappers. We are 6 miles out of town, one can only assume that it takes 6 miles to eat a hamburger and drink an energy drink as the detritus always…
  • Busy Beavers…

    By The Bevis Trust In | May 13, 2016

    My lurking in the bushes might be paying off. Last night just on dusk I was down by the lake watching a water vole when a beaver swam past towing a spray of fresh green willow leaves. Just then a pair of mallards flushed noisily from the far bank and alarmed her. With a quick…
  • Hide Building

    By The Bevis Trust In , | May 12, 2016

    We are busy planking up some of the larch that Nick planted over 30 years ago. It’s great to be able to use our home grown timber on projects such as the new hide.    
  • Moorhens

    By The Bevis Trust In , | May 7, 2016

    She’s been laying an egg a day, should be a good brood this year. Let’s hope the legions of egg thieves can keep their paws and beaks to themselves.
  • Oak Before Ash…

    By The Bevis Trust In , | May 6, 2016

    …in for a splash. Ash before oak, in for a soak. So the old rhyme goes. After the wettest winter anyone can remember perhaps we are due a dry summer. We can only hope that we will continue to enjoy ash trees here but we are already seeing signs of ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, formerly…
  • Geese

    By The Bevis Trust In , | May 5, 2016

    We now have five tubby little greylag goslings paddling around on the lake. It’s great to see their numbers growing year on year despite the preponderance of Canadas. The beaver fence has made a huge difference to their survivability, foxes now cannot approach with quite as much ease. Drew
  • April

    By The Bevis Trust In , | April 28, 2016

    30 April 2016 I like April, it’s like a strip tease in reverse. The farm is down to its bare bones after the winter, everything is visible. And then we get a few sunny days and the trees put on their first delicate leaves, like gossamer underwear, with sunlight dappling through them. We lamb in…