Ponds and Trees
By The Bevis Trust
In Farming and Wildlife, Uplands, Wetlands |
April 24, 2019
We have had a manic year at the Bevis Trust. During the summer drought Steve managed to get the heavy digger into places that are normally too soft to support the machine. The ponds that he managed to open out need a lot of replanting and this work will continue for a season or two…
A Little Piece of Upland
By The Bevis Trust
In Beavers, Countryside, Farming and Wildlife, Native Species, Rewilding, Uncategorized, Uplands, Wetlands |
May 11, 2017
Here on the farm we have a tiny vestigial piece of upland, it’s tucked away on a bank alongside a farm track and is so tiny you’d barely notice it. There are a few tufts of heather, some rowans and a fair sprinkling of blaeberries. It’s wonderful to see the tiny berries starting to appear…